reasons why you would never want to date me,
in a format stolen from one of my lady heros.

1. i’m a flake

2. i’m indecisive

3. i spend all of my money on drugs/booze

4. …and tacos, plants, records, crap.

5. you will never be more important to me than my pets

6. i sleep on the floor

7. i spend way too much time on the internet

8. i have a crazy acid cackle

9. i can eat an entire okie burrito in one sitting

10. i constantly want to dance. like always.

11. drinking drinking drinking

12. i throw hissy fits when i... well... all the time

13. i smoke way too many cigarettes

14. i dress like a 5 year old

15. i listen to shitty classic rock all of the time

16. no, i will not shave any part of my body for you

17. i'll have paranoia about you controlling me

18. i usually smell like B.O. and it really doesn’t bother me

19. i’ll probably fart on you

20. i will need at least one semi illegal adventure a month to stay happy

21. i need showers together

22. im obsessed with poverty and materialism. it ruins dinners sometimes.

23. i will need talk to you about my “feelings”

24. i don’t want to listen to music i dont like with you

25. i will never wear a thong

26. i will usually always wear granny panties

27. i wear the same bra everyday

28. i become extremely opinionated about politics when im drunk

29. i can’t walk in heels

30. i can’t really walk at all actually

31. im clumsy and have no night vision

32. i will probably make multiple awkward/embarrassing jokes in front of your parents/friends

33. i am an “artist”

34. i will never make any money

35. i will always try and keep you from being productive

36. i’m selfish

37. i wash my hair less than you do

38. pda makes me incredibly uncomfortable

39. i will pick my nose in front of you

40. if we ever break up i will force you to remain friends with me forever

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